Are you a young leader in your company? In a role where you need to give direction?

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Young Leaders at Every Level - Buy the ebook now for $7.99. Immediate Download.
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August 19, 2012

My boss gives me tonnes of work just when I am leaving for home!

Last week, I had covered this topic "Greed is not Good" through some examples.

Lets look at more such ideas in this post.

How do we traditionally approach a conversation or an interaction with a colleague or business associate?

a. What do I want from this conversation?
b. What do I want this person to do for me?
c. How will I benefit?
d. How much will I make?
e. If I do this, what's in it for me?

And you know what, the other guy is also asking the same question. Which is why so many interactions are not productive.

Lets say we use a different approach:

we ask the following for each interaction:
a. What do both of us want from this interaction?
b. What is this person worried about?
c. What is his challenge at work now?
d. Can I help him do his role better?

Lets apply this to a few situations:

a. You are a Assistant Manager trying to convince the boss to give you work at beginning of day, not at end of day (why do they all do that?):

Traditional approach: Sir - pl don't do this, I am tired, I need to go home, I need to ........, etc etc.
The Young Leader Approach: When you give me work at end of day, we end up not being able to do a great job of it, we end up making mistakes, instead sharing your workload at beginning of day would enable us to do it faster and better, this way we could assist you to complete tasks better...................

b. You are a salesperson, selling recruitment solutions. Today is 10th of the month. Client wants to wait till end of month to extract maximum discounts, knowing you would be under pressure. How do you get the client to buy now, not later?
Standard approach - begging begging............
The Young Leader Approach: Calculate financial benefits to the customer by the early purchase. eg you could hire ten people this month itself. Each person would contribute 15 days to the sales turnover faster. calculate ebitda and you would arrive at a figure of $250,000. Instead by waiting 20 days, you might save $2400 maximum. Why delay?

...............................for detailed ideas of the Young Leader Approach, click on the links above to buy the ebook "Young Leaders at Every Level" 

Maneesh Konkar is a Mumbai based sales & leadership trainer & author of the book "Young Leaders at Every Level". Contact him at

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