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January 29, 2013

10 Signs You Might Be an Arrogant Leader

10 Signs You Might Be an Arrogant Leader

donald-trump-300x300All of us are arrogant to some degree sometimes. I know I am. Some of us are better at fighting it than others. Some of us are better at hiding it. Some folks are lucky in that they just don’t struggle with it as much. But all of us have struggled with pride, ego, or arrogance at one point or another. And if you’re thinking to yourself that you never have, well, you just did.
I’m no Jeff Foxworthy, but you might be an arrogant leader if…
1. You’re always right.
2. They’re always wrong.
3. You just happen to be the smartest person in any room you’re in. (Weird coincidence, eh?)
4. You never ask your team about anything.
5. You never even think you need to ask your team about anything.
6. You can’t remember the last time you admitted a mistake.
7. You can’t remember the last time you think you made one.
8. You’ve convinced yourself you’re being “decisive,” when everyone else thinks you’re being “a jerk.”
9. You’ve convinced yourself you’re “holding people accountable,” when it’s pretty clear to everyone else that you’re just going off on them.
10. You think none of the above have ever applied to you.

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