Are you a young leader in your company? In a role where you need to give direction?

Steve Jobs said "your work is going to occupy a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do great quality work. And the only way to do great quality work is to enjoy what you do".

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Young Leaders at Every Level - Buy the ebook now for $7.99. Immediate Download.

Young Leaders at Every Level - Buy the ebook now for $7.99. Immediate Download.
The story of a young MBA Abhijit Joshi climbing the organizational ladder. Follow him as he discover's his passion, figures out the money equation and takes charge of his life and work. Eventually reaching the pinnacle of success winning the CEO of the Year award. Buy the eBook NOW for $5.99. Immediate download & Happy Reading..

October 14, 2011

Discover your passion

Excerpt from the book "Young Leaders at Every Level" - Chapter One - Discover your passion where three friends Abhijit, Ashutosh and Ravi are discussing their career choices......................

“Congratulations. You quit your job, I didn’t know that. What do you do now?”

“I quit my job in the mutual fund about three months back I am now a freelance financial advisor myself. This was one of the finest decisions I took, not succumbing to the pressure, doing something that I enjoy doing”

“Doing something that you enjoy is being in heaven, liking what you do is happiness” said Ravi wishfully.

“I happened to be surfing one evening on YouTube and chanced upon this video of Steve Jobs giving a speech at the convocation ceremony at Stanford. He says life is too short to waste living other people’s priorities. Your work takes up the bulk of you waking day, you have got to love what you do and do what you love. As in all matters of the heart, you know it when you find it.” said Ashutosh.

“I was surfing one day and came upon this article on “Discover your passion”. The website belonged to a business consulting company which works on productivity improvement. Some interesting points were mentioned in the article. It said - most of us live life in two compartments. One compartment is the Monday to Saturday one which we do because we need the money, we need to pay our car and home loan emi’s; we need to pay for what we buy at lounges and malls and ice creams. The other compartment is the weekend, the holiday routine. This second compartment is what gives us joy, satisfaction, happiness. Spending time in this compartment energizes us, revitalizes us.” said Abhijit.

“I am certainly living my life in two compartments right now” said Ravi.

“Why do we need to unwind over the weekend – because we are so wound up the whole week?” said Ashutosh.

“Hey that’s not true. I enjoy my banking job” said Abhijit. “And I love to enjoy a drink with friends over the weekends”.

“Good for you” said Ashutosh. “Most of us in the world live life in two such compartments, but not all. There are some notable exceptions. Cricket commentator Harsha Bhogle for e.g. let me ask you this question “what is similar between Harsha and all of us?” Pat comes the answer – “we all love cricket, we all talk about cricket, etc”.

“The next question “what is the one major difference?” He gets paid for it, we don’t. And that my friends is the key to happiness. Harsha Bhogle is an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad. Most of his batch mates complain about being stuck in the corporate ladder.”

“I don’t know how to say this, but frankly I get bored of watching cricket. I consider it an incredibly monotonous game which has too little action” said Rajesh.

Ravi said “your company is one of the biggest sponsors of the event”

“I know”.

“So what is the secret to happiness then?” asked Abhijit.

Ashutosh replied “The secret to happiness is therefore to “Discover our Passion” and then find a bunch of people in the world who will pay us to do exactly what we are passionate about!!!!!” download ebook, click on the link at the top of the page.

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