Are you a young leader in your company? In a role where you need to give direction?

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Young Leaders at Every Level - Buy the ebook now for $7.99. Immediate Download.
The story of a young MBA Abhijit Joshi climbing the organizational ladder. Follow him as he discover's his passion, figures out the money equation and takes charge of his life and work. Eventually reaching the pinnacle of success winning the CEO of the Year award. Buy the eBook NOW for $5.99. Immediate download & Happy Reading..

August 17, 2012

Greed is not Good - especially when the market is down

Gordon Gekko had made this line famous in Wall Street. Greed is good - greed for knowledge, for life, for love, Greed has marked the upward surge of mankind.................................

Has it?

Have today's greedy sales people really marked the upward surge of their industries? Lets ask our friends in the insurance industry, where their greed has got them. The last time I checked, the largest company had shed 40% of its staff in eighteen months.

When market is down, when sales are not happening, when bosses send you ten messages a day, when everything is urgent and required yesterday, what does one do? How does one handle all this killing pressure from the "system?"

Get back to the basics, we would say.

What is selling? 
Certainly not dumping your products on an unsuspecting buyer.
Not spray and pray, not making the same pitch to every buyer.
Not the buffet counter method of selling, where the entire product range is shown to the customer, who gets so confused that he does not place a single order.

Instead, if we just followed the basics of selling, we would not have to struggle so much.

Selling is just about creating demand.

What is creating demand for our products?

It consists of two steps:
a. Researching our customer's business to identify areas for improvement - "pain areas".
b. Positioning our products as a means of reducing that pain.

A salesperson in the building construction industry trying to sell tiles to a builder. Builder wants the lowest price. Seller identifies builder's poor sales as a "pain area". positions the tiles as a sales tool to help the builder justify the high price he is charging

Seller of premium roofing solutions is getting price resistance from warehouse owners. Seller studies high cost of electricity as a "pain area". Presents a scientific calculation of how his products would save money in the long run.

.............................examples and concept mentioned in detail in the book "Young Leaders at Every Level" where Abhijit handles these challenges as a Sales Manager. Click on link to buy eBook now. Immediate download. 

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